The law of small numbers

probably we desire the impossible

In my previous post I shared a few thoughts on probabilities and statistics.  I wrote about disregarding probabilities in decision making, ignoring small probabilities and not over-weighting small probabilities. A tough act to follow.  I am totally guilty of failing…

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Don’t do envy

Dick und Doof - stop and think to avoid biases

The GSS – the Great Singapore Sale is upon us again.  And I am not talking about the Singapore stock market here. It’s an opportune time to remind ourselves of that one emotion that is the cause of the lack…

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ME Pte. Ltd.

Taking care of my own business

Warning – very egotistical post ahead with nothing new, but stuff you knew already. The other day Rolf Suey dropped a fitting comment to my post  “Is having more money important to make you happier? Let’s put it into perspective”…

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The Backfire Effect

We all have a preferential set of intuitions, feelings, and ideas. Less poetically characterized by the term “bias”. These little quirks in our thinking pose a challenge to our ability to weigh evidence accurately to arrive at truth.  Bias is…

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The Just-World-Bias

Do you believe in a just world? Most of us do. Simply because we assume that bad things will befall bad people, and good things, to good people. The bad news is that it doesn’t always play out that way and also that the world…

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