Have you ever been wrong?

If your answer is yes, you are an honest chap.  If your answer is no, either you are lying to yourself or your name must be Nobody (“Nobody is perfect”).  Or you are a candidate running for president—the best any country ever had.  I would…

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Mere-exposure effect

The time has come again. It’s that time of the year when families gather for reunion dinners, when extended families from far-flung corners of Singapore meet in one central place for the annual “oh-how-have-you-been – when-are-you-getting-married – have-you-gained-some-weight – conversations”.…

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ME Pte. Ltd.

Taking care of my own business

Warning – very egotistical post ahead with nothing new, but stuff you knew already. The other day Rolf Suey dropped a fitting comment to my post  “Is having more money important to make you happier? Let’s put it into perspective”…

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The Backfire Effect

We all have a preferential set of intuitions, feelings, and ideas. Less poetically characterized by the term “bias”. These little quirks in our thinking pose a challenge to our ability to weigh evidence accurately to arrive at truth.  Bias is…

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Others are just like me

We have the tendency to overestimate the degree to which others agree with us; therein making this—tendency—just another of those predictable patterns of thought and behavior that lead us to draw incorrect conclusions. Psychologists call this the False Consensus Bias. Let me ask you: “Is agreeing…

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We live in a world of abundance …

… and whoever does not believe that urgently needs a change in perspective. May I invite you to open your mind to the universe’s abundance? Undoubtedly, this could be your ticket to something better, since feelings of abundance attract even more abundance. Having trouble believing me? Do continue reading then. It…

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