The good ol’ gut feeling

We sometimes tend to think that ideas and feelings arising from our intuition are essentially superior to those achieved by reason and logic. As such, intuition—the good old “gut feeling”—has come to be idealized as the Noble Savage of the mind, fearlessly cutting through…

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Don’t get framed by …

… the Framing Bias.  This is another beautiful mental shortcut that we use to solve common problems. Although this heuristic speeds up processing in our brain, it occasionally makes us think so fast that we miss what is important. When heuristics work, they…

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In my earlier blog post, I asked which animal kills more people? Despite that the Hippopotamus emerged victorious; in truth, the animal that creates by far the greatest havoc to humankind is the Black Swan. How so? Because the most influential and devastating events in history…

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Got any habits?

Let’s talk about Habituation. Habituation is really just another trick that our inner con man plays on us: He makes us believe that wonderful things are especially wonderful the first time they happen, and that their wonderfulness wanes with repetition. “Psychologists call this effect habituation,…

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Confirmation Bias

We let confirmation bias take control of our mind by only seeking out information from sources that agree with our pre-existing beliefs.  Conversely, we tend to ignore and dismiss information (= disconfirming evidence) which tend to disprove our initial impressions. It’s the tendency to interpret the glass…

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Irrationally wanting things to stay the same, also called inertia.  We do this in part because we want to avoid costs, even when they’re offset by a larger gain, a process psychologists call “Loss aversion”. You hold onto a mutual fund…

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