Breathe and let be

Tough markets out there right now. How are you coping? The journey towards building wealth starts with the battle between your ears. š—¦š˜š—¼š—½ š˜€š—½š—²š—»š—±š—¶š—»š—“ š˜€š—¼ š—ŗš˜‚š—°š—µ š˜š—¶š—ŗš—² š—¶š—» š˜†š—¼š˜‚š—æ š—µš—²š—®š—±! Instead, increase your exposure to humility during markets like these.ā€¦

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Weakness of willpower

Why do we consciously do things which weĀ genuinely know are not beneficialĀ to us? A non-financial example includes smoking cigarettes (we know we shouldn’t,Ā but many doĀ anyway), while a financial example includes not living within our means, or saving up for aā€¦

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Survivorship Bias

Survivorship Bias

Was reading the Sunday Times today when several “Unit Trust Providers” and “Actively Managed Funds” peddling their services through ads caught my eye. Whenever I do read those eye-candies, I can’t help but recall the miserable track record of activeā€¦

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Familiarity Bias vs. Ambiguity Effect

make the unknown to a known and know how to take care of my own business

Or otherwise known as reliance on old-fashioned financial institutions and outdated economic structures.Ā Ā Partly,Ā it is due to habit;Ā partly, because ofĀ our concerns about liquidity; and partly,Ā because we think that it is always risky to experiment with new things where we might lackā€¦

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