Luckily I am so lucky

Chatting with one of you the other day over a kopi C (that’s coffee with evaporated milk for my dear non-Singaporean readers) made me realize that you might have gained the wrong perception of me. You might believe that due…

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Are you in control?

The desire to feel like we’re in control seems to be a very basic human need. Are you in control?  Do you like to control your environment? Well?  Were you successful in that endeavour?  C’mon, be honest. Because—Control—is an illusion! Let me give you an example…

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The law of small numbers

probably we desire the impossible

In my previous post I shared a few thoughts on probabilities and statistics.  I wrote about disregarding probabilities in decision making, ignoring small probabilities and not over-weighting small probabilities. A tough act to follow.  I am totally guilty of failing…

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