What can I find here?
Information to help me run my own business: MY ME, Inc.
Ideas to Own It and live my personal life by design and not by default.
Advice on how to prosper slowly but steadily.
Here are the latest Blog Entries
My 10 Golden Rules: If I were 22, I’d wish that someone would have taught me
Herd Behavior or Herding or Lazy Thinking
What the age-experienced know and we don’t
Use your money to buy happiness
Success is here – it all depends on the second letter
Do you know where you are going?
Survivorship Bias
Are you a victim or do you Tacomob?
Finally, a less wordy post about our biases
Thank you, dear readers, for reading my blog-posts and for letting me know what you like and dislike about them (for example, too long, too wordy). I hear you; thus, this post is succinct in answering: Why we save so little? Why evolution is to blame for our stock losses? Why…
Do you like your day job?
Check back regularly. There will be more!
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Or subscribe over at 'About Tacomob' and never miss the release of a new post. It's free - and worth every penny of it. If not even more.