What can I find here?
Information to help me run my own business: MY ME, Inc.
Ideas to Own It and live my personal life by design and not by default.
Advice on how to prosper slowly but steadily.
Here are the latest Blog Entries
Taking care of my own busyness
Have you recently thought about the Recency Bias?
Old news that made me go hmmm last week
Sadly there might be four more less happy people in Singapore soon
The benefits of being a wee bit sceptical in believing others
Mere-exposure effect
Luckily I am so lucky
It is all about the ATTITUDE – yours actually
Economic Forecast Illusion or why “Economist” is one of the worst professions one could choose – Long Version
Economic Forecast Illusion or why “Economist” is one of the worst professions one could choose
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Or subscribe over at 'About Tacomob' and never miss the release of a new post. It's free - and worth every penny of it. If not even more.