What can I find here?
Information to help me run my own business: MY ME, Inc.
Ideas to Own It and live my personal life by design and not by default.
Advice on how to prosper slowly but steadily.
Here are the latest Blog Entries
Why do I blog so much about the brain, biases and thinking errors in context with money and investing?
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Do you want to predict the future?
Book: ‘Mind Power’ by James Borg – Key Statements
This-time-is-different-bias or why we don’t learn from our mistakes
Attention! Attention to your Attention Span!
Unpredictability Ignorance
Employ your brain to save money, or 10.5 safe ways to safely save you money
Wanna be a trillionaire?
Sounds great, doesn’t it? And you would be the first on this planet, provided that you measure your wealth in the current USD, since I am quite certain that there would already be existent trillionaires when measured in Vietnamese Dong or Indonesian Rupiah. Trillions are flung around in the news nowadays to…
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Or subscribe over at 'About Tacomob' and never miss the release of a new post. It's free - and worth every penny of it. If not even more.