What can I find here?
Information to help me run my own business: MY ME, Inc.
Ideas to Own It and live my personal life by design and not by default.
Advice on how to prosper slowly but steadily.
Here are the latest Blog Entries
Choices … Yours
Why do we misbehave so often?
Have we reached peak oil demand yet?
This is the workplace of your dreams …
Peace-of-mind investing
12 Reasons why Money isn’t a great Motivator for your work
My key points from the books I read in 2020 in less than 52 words each
Regrets, or no regrets?
‘No.’ is a complete sentence
Work From Home Does Not Work!
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Or subscribe over at 'About Tacomob' and never miss the release of a new post. It's free - and worth every penny of it. If not even more.