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Information to help me run my own business: MY ME, Inc.
Ideas to Own It and live my personal life by design and not by default.
Advice on how to prosper slowly but steadily.
Here are the latest Blog Entries
16 thoughts about the most often used noun in the English language
This is what’s going to happen
Stop doing work you hate!
Don’t worry, be …
Can a Shorter Workweek Make People Happier?
Two universal ways to get rich
What’s up with our Negativity Bias?
Extreme Discounting
New year, new start, the most accurate stock market forecast for 2020
My key points from 52 books I read in 2019 in less than 52 words each
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Or subscribe over at 'About Tacomob' and never miss the release of a new post. It's free - and worth every penny of it. If not even more.