A few thoughts on our second brain

Our Second brain and intuition

I can literally envision all you regular readers rolling your eyes at yet another “brainy” post and thinking: “Tacomob, haven’t you written more than enough about the brain already?  Isn’t there some other topic on your mind?” Of course there is, and that’s why I am…

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The Just-World-Bias

Do you believe in a just world? Most of us do. Simply because we assume that bad things will befall bad people, and good things, to good people. The bad news is that it doesn’t always play out that way and also that the world…

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To die or not to die

to die or not to die

I would like to write about the end, yours and mine to be specific. I recently read that due to medical and technical advances, the first person to attain the age of a hundred and fifty has already been born. Are you that person? Well, I suppose…

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Are you a ‘kicker’ too?

correspondence bias or fundamental attribution error

Have you ever had—while driving—that extraordinary experience where anyone driving slower than you is an idiot, while anyone driving faster is a maniac? That, my dear reader, is an example of the Correspondence Bias in full-blown action. Generally, this bias refers to the tendency…

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Who can I blame for this?

Here is a bit of philosophy to assist in rapidly finding someone (else) to blame : “Huey, Dewey and Louie.  You stand accused of a grievous crime.  What do you have to say for yourselves?” “Yes, I did it,” said Huey.  “But it…

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Hot-cold-empathy gap

Have you ever asked yourself this: How can I control myself when I feel the irresistible need to break my rules about how to invest in the stock market? That question pertains to the “hot-cold-empathy gap”, where we say to ourselves in a calm…

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The Curse of Knowledge

knowledge vs wisdom

Yes, that’s right, you have read the header correctly. Because if you know something, you can’t appreciate what it’s like not to know it. And this is when better-informed people encounter problems thinking about problems from the perspective of their less-informed…

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My Dopamine determines risks of mine

dopamine molecule

Have you ever wondered why you can become revved up and an exuberant risk taker, when flying high, or hesitant and risk-adverse, when cowering from your losses in the stock market? We have the impression that it is our deliberative mind that makes the most important decisions in…

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