Are you in control?

The desire to feel like we’re in control seems to be a very basic human need. Are you in control?  Do you like to control your environment? Well?  Were you successful in that endeavour?  C’mon, be honest. Because—Control—is an illusion! Let me give you an example…

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Zero-Risk Bias

My brain is flawed.  It is a flawed lens through which I see reality.  This is true of both mouse brains and human brains.  But a human brain is a flawed lens that can understand its own flaws—its systematic errors,…

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Others are just like me

We have the tendency to overestimate the degree to which others agree with us; therein making this—tendency—just another of those predictable patterns of thought and behavior that lead us to draw incorrect conclusions. Psychologists call this the False Consensus Bias. Let me ask you: “Is agreeing…

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