Diversify, diversify, and then diversify some more

diversify diversify diversify

Could we both agree on the following notion? That, in the investment field, there is no one instrument that can perform all the time, and that there is no one who can say with certainty—in advance—which instrument would perform best.  The future is uncertain and markets are random. As such, what Harry Markowitz…

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A few thoughts on our second brain

Our Second brain and intuition

I can literally envision all you regular readers rolling your eyes at yet another “brainy” post and thinking: “Tacomob, haven’t you written more than enough about the brain already?  Isn’t there some other topic on your mind?” Of course there is, and that’s why I am…

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Gentle Reminder of the Disposition Effect

Disposition Effect - Think about it

A few weeks ago, I wrote herewithin about a natural phenomenon: When things go well, we tend to ascribe our success to our abilities—our disposition.  But when they go wrong, we tend to blame external factors—our situation. Finished.  Done.  Quick conclusion.  Move on. But wait…

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The Seer-Sucker Illusion

seer-sucker illusion

“Imagine you pick 1 million random people from around the world every day,” said Toby McDade, chief investment officer of Momentum Fee Capital Management. “Some days, 51% would be in a good mood, 49% in a bad mood.  The next…

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