Enjoy The Present

Enjoy the present

“𝑻𝙝𝒆 𝒇𝙪𝒕𝙪𝒓𝙚 𝙘𝒐𝙢𝒆𝙨 𝙤𝒏𝙚 𝙢𝒊𝙣𝒖𝙩𝒆 𝒂𝙩 𝙖 𝙩𝒊𝙢𝒆.” It becomes clearer to me every year that seeing my portfolio hit a certain number doesn’t bring me nearly as much joy as spending money on experiences. Investing itself is a form…

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Am I saving enough?

beat inflation

Quick question: Would it be easier for you to save 20% of your monthly income, or to live on 80% of your monthly income? In case you answered, “Save 20%,”  you are just average (sorry for being so blunt) and might be…

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Don’t worry, be …

protect your portfolio with Put Options

… Hmm, I don’t know how that header should be completed. Do you?  No? Then, let’s find out together. In my opinion, the standard saying: “Don’t worry, be happy” seems to be too simplified because not only do I doubt that one can be…

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Time vs Money

How do you value time versus money? Let’s first understand a crucial difference between them: As a personal commodity, money is extremely elastic, in that you can theoretically accumulate an infinite amount of it. Time, by contrast, is intrinsically inelastic:…

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Sunday = Ponder-day

THE GOOD LIFE IS ANYWHERE We tell ourselves that we need the right setup before we finally buckle down and get serious. We tell ourselves that we need this and that at work, a more supportive boss, more autonomy, more…

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