Don’t do envy

Dick und Doof - stop and think to avoid biases

The GSS – the Great Singapore Sale is upon us again.  And I am not talking about the Singapore stock market here. It’s an opportune time to remind ourselves of that one emotion that is the cause of the lack…

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ME Pte. Ltd.

Taking care of my own business

Warning – very egotistical post ahead with nothing new, but stuff you knew already. The other day Rolf Suey dropped a fitting comment to my post  “Is having more money important to make you happier? Let’s put it into perspective”…

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Greed or need?

girl wants to grow

A few days back I wrote about “Am I saving enough?” Thank you for all your comments.  I am just afraid that those people with their benchmark savings ratios are not really representative of the regular guys. Could it be…

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The Backfire Effect

We all have a preferential set of intuitions, feelings, and ideas. Less poetically characterized by the term “bias”. These little quirks in our thinking pose a challenge to our ability to weigh evidence accurately to arrive at truth.  Bias is…

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The Well-Travelled Road Bias

The well-traveled-road bias

Nowadays I am a bit more on the road visiting prospects to share with them those benefits my value-add-products could deliver to their operations.  As such I come across this common experience for motorists more frequently: I am driving somewhere…

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