Sunday = Ponder-day

THE GOOD LIFE IS ANYWHERE We tell ourselves that we need the right setup before we finally buckle down and get serious. We tell ourselves that we need this and that at work, a more supportive boss, more autonomy, more…

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Are you paying attention?

To what? – you might ask. To whatever you are somewhat interested in. We are masters in paying zero attention to what we are not interested in. All thanks to our inborn or learned biases. Regular readers of Tacomob are…

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Time for some Optimism

You and I we tend to be optimistic about the future. That is not a bad thing in general.  However, this optimism might easily develop into “wishful thinking”. Too much “wishful thinking” will be harmful to you and your money.  You might be awful…

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Weakness of willpower

Why do we consciously do things which we genuinely know are not beneficial to us? A non-financial example includes smoking cigarettes (we know we shouldn’t, but many do anyway), while a financial example includes not living within our means, or saving up for a…

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