I had lunch with an ex-colleague from my corporate-duty-days yesterday. She asked me how was it possible (sic!) to achieve financial freedom by the age of 44? Hmm, that made me think. I was not able to come up with…
Are you a stock picker? May I ask why? What makes you think that you can outsmart full-day traders and the professionals? What is your edge over them? You might no longer have an edge in calculating ratios or analysing…
No, not really. Finance is a simple industry made to look and sound complicated to justify fees. Just one example, active managers love to confuse us by using Greek words. Like – alpha – to describe what other industries call…
You’re rich. No, really you are. Whether you’ve paid for a computer or smartphone to browse the TACOMOB website on, or even handed a few coins over at an internet cafe, you’re far richer than many of your fellow human…
Having realized that I have not written anything on the topic of our (us guys) favourite toy—the car—(or has the smartphone already overtaken that position?) I feel quite a drive to change that. Having said that, do you recall that it was only about 10…
There are many merits of being lazy. Come on, don’t be lazy, be a bit kiasu* and read on. Laziness is the road to progress, but only when it is combined with intelligent thought and high ambition. For example, lazy…
… in other people’s minds. The timescale bias is quite a profound thing with serious implications. Ever noticed that anyone going slower than you is an idiot, but anyone going faster than you is a maniac?—George Carlin That is timescale…
Number 1: The age you start saving The younger you are the larger your crucial asset. That asset is called time. And I bet you have more of it left than me. I certainly do have more Christmas days behind…
“Whoa, wait a minute,” I can hear you protesting, “Dude, what are you saying? No way! That might apply to you, but definitely not to me. I am special!” Face it, my friend, you’re nothing special, because the mediocrity principle simply states so. The universe…
Or maybe we actually do know it and just fail in doing what we know we should do. To know and not to do is really not to know yet. Some timeless advice I’ve heard from the age-experienced over the years:…