Do you like your day job?

Five years ago, I was rather unhappy with my day job. Social psychologists would have diagnosed me as being disengaged. My growing disengagement resulted in me quitting. Don’t get me wrong. I am not complaining. Quitting and retiring from my…

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Taking care of my own busyness

It happened again. I had lunch with an ex-colleague back from that phase in my life when I served my corporate duties and built up the foundation of my finances. TACOMOB: “How are you?” CORPORATE WARRIOR (CW): “Busy.” TACOMOB: “Busy with…

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Luckily I am so lucky

Chatting with one of you the other day over a kopi C (that’s coffee with evaporated milk for my dear non-Singaporean readers) made me realize that you might have gained the wrong perception of me. You might believe that due…

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saving and investing should be boring, find excitement somewhere else

Last week I wrote about expensive Mutual Funds / Unit Trusts and their cheaper (and better) alternatives called Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). You still don’t buy it. Ok, that might be my fault because I am simply not convincing enough…

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