Am I saving enough?

beat inflation

Quick question: Would it be easier for you to save 20% of your monthly income, or to live on 80% of your monthly income? In case you answered, “Save 20%,”  you are just average (sorry for being so blunt) and might be…

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Why do we misbehave so often?

Why do you misbehave?

According to economists, we should all be cold, clear-eyed spenders who always choose what would benefit us the most economically. In their economists’ world, we are all as emotionless, passionless, and predictable as the Vulcan Mr. Spock in Star Trek, since we are supposedly…

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Don’t worry, be …

protect your portfolio with Put Options

… Hmm, I don’t know how that header should be completed. Do you?  No? Then, let’s find out together. In my opinion, the standard saying: “Don’t worry, be happy” seems to be too simplified because not only do I doubt that one can be…

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