Life Hacks

Do you have lots of time to read lengthy articles, including some of my blogs? Nowadays, fewer and fewer of us own that luxury. Thus, I will share very brief tips and snippets of useful life hacks that can serve…

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Anchoring Bias

This is clinging to a fact or figure that should have no bearing on your decision.  Often, we use an initial value or first piece of informationa as a “starting point” in decision making.  Even if the initial value was…

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Decision Heuristics

Or why we adhere so strongly to our beliefs.   One culprit is what the rule of consistency describes: a powerful force that compels us to act in a way that is consistent with our past behavior (this rule is extensively…

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Endowment Effect

Endowment Effect is the tendency to fall in love with what we own and makes us resist change.  Or in other words, this is the tendency to consider something you own to be worth more than it would be, if you didn’t…

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Regret Aversion

This is the tendency to avoid taking an action due to the fear that—in hindsight—it will turn out to have been less than optimal.  Like leaving money in a bank account, rather than putting the cash in an investment with…

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Bandwagon Bias

Believing that something is true only because other people think it is. Whether politicians or stocks, people like being associated with things that are winning, so winners build momentum, not because they deserve it, but because they’re winning. This is…

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