Am I saving enough?

beat inflation

Quick question: Would it be easier for you to save 20% of your monthly income, or to live on 80% of your monthly income? In case you answered, “Save 20%,”  you are just average (sorry for being so blunt) and might be…

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You’ve got a minute …?

Even if you do, it would be better if you do not (ever) admit to having any “spare time” as our culture still revolves around one’s ability to stay focused for hours or days on end and being busy—all the time. Because, unlike most addictions, workaholism is…

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Mere-exposure effect

The time has come again. It’s that time of the year when families gather for reunion dinners, when extended families from far-flung corners of Singapore meet in one central place for the annual “oh-how-have-you-been – when-are-you-getting-married – have-you-gained-some-weight – conversations”.…

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Who is weird?

The other day I met some new people.  After exchanging the usual conversational stuff we got to the big question: “What do you do?’ I described in vivid pictures how I have been taking care of my own business, my…

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Wanna be a trillionaire?

Sounds great, doesn’t it? And you would be the first on this planet, provided that you measure your wealth in the current USD, since I am quite certain that there would already be existent trillionaires when measured in Vietnamese Dong or Indonesian Rupiah. Trillions are flung around in the news nowadays to…

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Whatever you earn – live within your means

Now, that is a no-brainer! Others might even call this a “know-brainer”. Still, I know from personal experience that this principle is not easy to apply; nevertheless, it is worth your utmost attention as it is the key to growing your savings. People are always talking about character,…

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