Have you ever been wrong?

If your answer is yes, you are an honest chap.  If your answer is no, either you are lying to yourself or your name must be Nobody (“Nobody is perfect”).  Or you are a candidate running for president—the best any country ever had.  I would…

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You and I, we are both just average

Bias: Illusory Superiority

“Whoa, wait a minute,” I can hear you protesting, “Dude, what are you saying?  No way!  That might apply to you, but definitely not to me.  I am special!” Face it, my friend, you’re nothing special, because the mediocrity principle simply states so. The universe…

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Luckily I am so lucky

Chatting with one of you the other day over a kopi C (that’s coffee with evaporated milk for my dear non-Singaporean readers) made me realize that you might have gained the wrong perception of me. You might believe that due…

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