Or otherwise known as reliance on old-fashioned financial institutions and outdated economic structures. Partly, it is due to habit; partly, because of our concerns about liquidity; and partly, because we think that it is always risky to experiment with new things where we might lack…
Last week I wrote about expensive Mutual Funds / Unit Trusts and their cheaper (and better) alternatives called Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). You still don’t buy it. Ok, that might be my fault because I am simply not convincing enough…
“Oh, money, I’m actually not interested in money.” So many people say that. Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours or more (that they don’t even like) just to be able to buy stuff to impress their neighbours, the Tans and Lees (who they don’t really like…
Gambler’s fallacy is a term we often hear. What is it exactly and how does it affect what you do with your money? It is the belief that future events will be shaped by past events, even when the two…
This post has nothing to do with Brexit, UK’s ego, or the unfairness in life that the older generation always decides on things the younger generation has to live with. But then, maybe it does … Let’s visit another continent…
The GSS – the Great Singapore Sale is upon us again. And I am not talking about the Singapore stock market here. It’s an opportune time to remind ourselves of that one emotion that is the cause of the lack…
Oops, did you click this post by accident? Or did you conscientiously click it because you do consider yourself a “serious investor” – I mean – serious investor (no irony intended)? I do apologize if my header created any sense…
Would knowing that you are among the TOP 1% earners in the world make you happy? How much does one need to earn to be among the TOP 1% of the world? US$ 34,000 or about S$ 45,000 per year.…
There is no denying the fact that our lives are determined by our unconscious beliefs about money. So, what do you really believe when it comes to money? I am convinced that discovering and exploring our general attitude towards money…
1) Next Tuesday: Before a purchase, take the time to consider what you’ll be doing, from morning to night, this coming Tuesday. How will this purchase affect you on Tuesday? This simple exercise—thinking about time used on a specific day (you…