Don’t worry, be …

protect your portfolio with Put Options

… Hmm, I don’t know how that header should be completed. Do you?  No? Then, let’s find out together. In my opinion, the standard saying: “Don’t worry, be happy” seems to be too simplified because not only do I doubt that one can be…

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Sunday = Ponder-day

THE GOOD LIFE IS ANYWHERE We tell ourselves that we need the right setup before we finally buckle down and get serious. We tell ourselves that we need this and that at work, a more supportive boss, more autonomy, more…

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Weakness of willpower

Why do we consciously do things which we genuinely know are not beneficial to us? A non-financial example includes smoking cigarettes (we know we shouldn’t, but many do anyway), while a financial example includes not living within our means, or saving up for a…

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Have you ever been wrong?

If your answer is yes, you are an honest chap.  If your answer is no, either you are lying to yourself or your name must be Nobody (“Nobody is perfect”).  Or you are a candidate running for president—the best any country ever had.  I would…

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