Number 1: The age you start saving The younger you are the larger your crucial asset. That asset is called time. And I bet you have more of it left than me. I certainly do have more Christmas days behind…
Was reading the Sunday Times today when several “Unit Trust Providers” and “Actively Managed Funds” peddling their services through ads caught my eye. Whenever I do read those eye-candies, I can’t help but recall the miserable track record of active…
Chatting with one of you the other day over a kopi C (that’s coffee with evaporated milk for my dear non-Singaporean readers) made me realize that you might have gained the wrong perception of me. You might believe that due…
At the beginning of each year, there are many pundits, experts, self-proclaimed gurus, and other suspicious characters who’d like to sell you stuff predicting the directions of the Stock Markets. As I personally have ample years of experience in the…
This post is for you. Yes, you, who sent me that e-mail yesterday asking me whether it would be a good timing to start investing in the stock market right now. I understood from your mail that you have not…
This trip is for the stock traders among you. What kind of annual return are you aiming for? 30% or 20% or 10%? What’s your number? Humans, and especially those of the male persuasion, have a bias called The Lake…
Last week I wrote about expensive Mutual Funds / Unit Trusts and their cheaper (and better) alternatives called Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). You still don’t buy it. Ok, that might be my fault because I am simply not convincing enough…
Fees and Expenses. Investors in mutual funds incur two primary kinds of expenses and fees: Fund expenses and loads. Whereas fund expenses are paid indirectly from fund assets throughout the year, sales loads are one-time fees that investors pay either at the time…
“Oh, money, I’m actually not interested in money.” So many people say that. Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours or more (that they don’t even like) just to be able to buy stuff to impress their neighbours, the Tans and Lees (who they don’t really like…
I believe in growing our wealth defense is often more effective than offense. And a good defensive approach would be not to get too deeply indebted (money or otherwise). Some people say—follow the Golden Rule—”Don’t get into debt at all.”…