No, not really. Finance is a simple industry made to look and sound complicated to justify fees. Just one example, active managers love to confuse us by using Greek words. Like – alpha – to describe what other industries call…
There are many merits of being lazy. Come on, don’t be lazy, be a bit kiasu* and read on. Laziness is the road to progress, but only when it is combined with intelligent thought and high ambition. For example, lazy…
Number 1: The age you start saving The younger you are the larger your crucial asset. That asset is called time. And I bet you have more of it left than me. I certainly do have more Christmas days behind…
Mostly, our herd conformity is a good thing and it’s one of the reasons that societies are able to function (legal system, driving, etc). Nevertheless, watch out for what you step into when you follow the herd. Herd behavior occurs when investors follow the…
I ended my previous post with the question “How will you measure your life?” Another way to put it would be to ask “How do U define your success?” Do you have a vivid picture in your mind what success…
We tend to associate more importance to recent events than we do to less recent ones. The more vivid our memory of something which occurred in the past is, the more “available” that event will be in our mind and the more…
At the beginning of each year, there are many pundits, experts, self-proclaimed gurus, and other suspicious characters who’d like to sell you stuff predicting the directions of the Stock Markets. As I personally have ample years of experience in the…
Last week I wrote about expensive Mutual Funds / Unit Trusts and their cheaper (and better) alternatives called Exchange Traded Funds (ETFs). You still don’t buy it. Ok, that might be my fault because I am simply not convincing enough…
“Oh, money, I’m actually not interested in money.” So many people say that. Yet they’ll work at a job for eight hours or more (that they don’t even like) just to be able to buy stuff to impress their neighbours, the Tans and Lees (who they don’t really like…
This post has nothing to do with Brexit, UK’s ego, or the unfairness in life that the older generation always decides on things the younger generation has to live with. But then, maybe it does … Let’s visit another continent…