We all make mistakes with our finances

… and that’s ok.

No one has this stuff all figured out.

Sometimes you have to make decisions in real-time with imperfect information.

Sometimes your emotions get the best of you.

Sometimes your financial situation is just the result of bad luck.

Every financial plan should build in the potential for the occasional mistake.

The important thing is we learn from those mistakes & try to minimize them in the future.

My mantra: “Sometimes I win, sometimes I learn. And I never stop investing.”

How do you ensure that you learn from your money mistakes?

Do make us richer (at least in knowledge) and share with us your secrets in the comments section below.

“A man must be big enough to admit his mistakes, smart enough to profit from them, and strong enough to correct them.” — John C. Maxwell

“Stock data is always different this time.  Valuation metrics are always different this time.  How the economy grows is always different this time.  But human emotions—greed, shortsightedness, overconfidence, extrapolation, and overreaction—are timeless.  They’re never different this time.” — Morgan Housel

“If you are supposed to learn from your mistakes, why do some people get married more than once?  Because of the triumph of hope over experience.” — Samuel Johnson (back in 1791)

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